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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Five Key Points to Achieving Optimum Personal Health

Some very practical advice for staying on top today that won't cost you anything.

1. What is easiest and most important thing we can do to improve our health?

Learn the science of yoga breathing.

Pranayama is the breathing exercises practiced in Yoga. When we find ourselves in a stressful situation one of the best techniques to calm and centre ourselves is to take a deep breath. When in a chaotic and stressful situation, if we have not been trained, the automatic response is to hold our breath. When we do this it completely tenses up our whole body and we become rigid. We go into a freeze not flight or breakdown not breakthrough solution frame of mind. The Importance of Breathing is it is the only means to supply our body and its various organs with oxygen. There are 4 different stages of breathing, high breathing, low breathing, middle breathing and complete breathing. Breathing exercises improve your blood pressure and heart function.

2. Is it important to detox?

Learn to love your liver

More than ever, now with the stressful chaotic daily lives we require to know how our liver functions and why it is considered the engine centre of our bodies. With today’s chemical and toxic environment and so much processed food it is important to keep our liver detoxed. 3 detoxes a year will keep our liver in good order. Fix the liver and good health will always follow. Do a liver detox every 3-4 months.

3. Is there any direct health benefit to soaking in a hot bath?

Take Epsom salts baths as much a possible.

The name Epsom comes from mineral waters found in the area in England called Epsom. Epsom salts has dozens of health benefits.

A daily hectic and chaotic stress full life can drain the magnesium from our bodies, Magnesium is necessary for the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood –elevating chemical within the brain that can create feelings of calm and relaxation. The magnesium sulfate of Epsom Salts acts as a muscle relaxant, and by easing muscle pain it helps the body to eliminate harmful substances. Epsom Salts neutralizes any body odours and softens the skin. A 20 minute soak in an Epsom salt bath before bed is an amazing way to guarantee a wonderful night’s sleep.

4. What advice would you give for a healthy mind?

Learn to weed the garden of your mind.

For the first time in history it is now being accepted that we are what we believe and we are not what our genes and family health was. It is now not accepted that just because your mother or father had a heart health problem then you are at higher risk to have the same. Our minds have full ability now through visualization techniques and balancing the 3 frequencies within our brains, to change each organ and function of our bodies to better and more. Just as we have talked about how our breathing can balance all our body the mind has the same power. In India meditation is taught from an early age. In the culture of most Asian societies it is believed that once you can calm the mind you can calm the rest of the body. There are lots of meditative techniques now available on the internet. We have 50,000 thoughts a day and each one of them manifest. Then they come back around to us like an echo or boomerang. If you take what we see in front of us as a projector of our minds then we have to take responsibility to keep our minds calm and clear, just like our liver.

5. What is the picture of optimum health we should strive for?

Learn to love yourself right now.

In today’s society when you ask someone do they love themselves. They usually can’t answer you. It has been proven through scientific research if a child or person does not love themselves enough first they will fill isolated and alone. It is most important to love our bodies, mind as we are today. We have become an over-entertained culture. There has been for many years now lots of media advertisement and so much information on how we should look, what we should wear, a lot of people of now are in a sea of confusion of what they really want and who they really are and what they really like.

So it is time to stop, take a deep breath, take an Epsom salt bath, quiet the mind and love yourself for who you are today.

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