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Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Do you want to know how to Burn Calories While you sit in front of the Computer or Sleep ?
Well read on or click to become a member of iPositive Now Health at
Did you know that …….
1 lb of muscle burns approx 50 to 100 calories a day.
The Majority of calories you lose are burning by your muscle.
Think of your MUSCLE as a FURNACE that keeps burning regardless of what you are doing, even if you are sitting at a computer or sleeping.
How Aerobics Can Make You FAT
Traditional low calorie diets and aerobic exercise cause you to lose muscle. The loss of muscle causes your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn food and body fat for energy ) to slow down.
Once you come off a low calorie diet and stop exercising you quickly gain back all the fat you just lost, plus more. Most people panic and start this vicious cycle again, not knowing that every time they do this they are getting further and further away from their goal.
So rather than trying again to change a failed system, start learning new techniques that are getting results. Using your bodies Furnace which is Muscle which is scientifically proven that the best result benefit and solution is motivation, support, expertise and equipment.
Your Body Furnace is the Answer....So what’s the best way to exercise.........
Any approach used must have the first goal of increasing muscle tissue. A university Doctorate study examined these questions and came to a ground breaking conclusion.
The key important factor was the trainee’s mental attitude. The next factors were weight training, no resting between exercises, low –glycemic foods and some food supplements.
The research highlighted the fact that the more focused the trainees mental attitude, the heavier the weight they could lift. In turn, the greater intensity of effort was directly related to increases in muscle tissues.
2 out of every 3 people are now over weight and this is expected to rise to 3 out of 4 in the next few years.

The results over a 12 day period and a total of 4 hrs of weight training or 20 mins daily – were on average a gain of 3lbs of muscle and a loss of 7.5lbs of fat. This change of nearly 1lb a day would be enough to literally transform the average person’s body.
You must learn how to concentrate while exercising so you get a mental workout as well as a physical one. Having the correct posture and approach to the weights is important and you full motivation will get you the best results in every 20 mins work out.

Why should women gain muscle ?
The hormone balance between men and women is very different, resulting in different changes in the shape of the body after exercises. Most women avoid anything that might increase muscle for fear of looking masculine. Weak muscle in women can make them tired and weak and low motivation.
Muscle takes up less space than fat, so replacing fat with muscle can take inches off your waistline.
Muscle burns fat, making it easier to stay lean. If you gain 15lbs of muscle you are burning 750 calories a day and that only with one hour of exercising per week.
The other benefits for women are surprising. Collagen is a protein, and retaining this protein was a key result of muscle toning.
Your focus, concentration and well –being will all be transformed.

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