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Monday, August 31, 2009

The Voice of Silence


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ipositive Health

2 articles about Health, just read it ....
Elder Abuse


Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Amazing Ireland Eye

View The Amazing Slide
Howth Sailing

Ireland’s Eye is a small picturesque Island of Howth on the northside of Dublin.
It is a bird sanctuary, hosting many different species of seabirds, which makes it a place of great interest for nature lovers. The island also has a long safe sandy beach, which is ideal for picnics, and relaxing. You can also admire the ruins of St Nessans Church dating back to 700 AD and a Martello tower from the 19th and the Napoleon time.
This island is amazing because it has got a very particular vegetation with flowers and plants that you usually only see on mountains. It has a micro climate which makes it possible to swim.

It is worth having a walk on the wonderful island.

This island is the perfect place for a meeting where iPositive people can exchange their experiences and testimonials. The season runs from April to October. Return tickets only as you can’t sleep on the island and they cost 15 euros. Mark’s ferry can take 35 people at a time.
Check out

In this picture, you can see Bernice with 2 french students and american students, from Arizona and California. Other students were also there from Italy, and the UK. As you can see, Young people from the whole world are coming to visit this exceptional island.

We walked the island to the summit where we relaxed and soaked up the magical energy and fresh air whilst admiring the beautiful scenery and Irish coastline.
As the ferry runs from Howth to Ireland’s Eye every hour, we walked down to the beach whilst waiting for Mark, the Ferryman to return.
As we lay on the beach, under a rock and out of sight of anyone else on the island, two gentlemen appeared out of nowhere asking, “did anyone lose a set of keys?” Bernice checked her pocket and only then realized that yes she had lost her keys!!! After confirming the make of car and key ring type, they returned the keys to her. Everyone laughed at how they found Bernice and how they found the keys at the top of the mountain, like a needle in a haystack, as Mark said, just in time before she left the island ! Truly confirmation that Ireland’s Eye is a magical island !

So we hope to see you on this very particuliar island when we will organise an iPositiveNow meet up event !


First iPositiveNow Radio interview

Hi everybody,

Do you want listen an amazing interview? Do you want understand what is iPositiveNow?
It 's easy, you just have to listen to a recent radio interview on Near FM with Bernice Paolozzi, who conceptualized the project and Eliane, a french student in marketing who came to create the mechanism with Bernice. This is the first in a series of radio interviews on the creation of iPositiveNow. More next week…


IT student from France

Monday, August 10, 2009

My son..

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !

At 12hr 34 minutes and 56 seconds on the 7th of August
this year, the time and date will be

12:34:56 07/08/09

On August 7 , 2009

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Amaze your friends, be the first to tell them

At 12hr 34 minutes and 56 seconds on the 7th of August
this year, the time and date will be

12:34:56 07/08/09
This will never happen in your life again??!!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Watercure: "you're sick, not thirsty. Don't treat trirst with medication".

You are just not what you eat, you are what you drink.

The Water Cure (TWC) does not sell water or purification systems or any related products. It offers insights and information; both free and in books that give you easy-to-understand scientific explanations on why water is vital to your well-being.

You will learn more about the watercure on

What our body needs to be healthy

Dr Batman's website is about what is important for our body, what it needs to remain alive and healthy:

Dr. Batmanghelidj (call him “Batman” for short lol) was originally from Iran (Allah have mercy on him), and obtained his M. D. from London. his story is really fascinating and reveals so many things about the body people are ignorant about today.

You will learn more about the whole thing on:

Interview on Near FM Radio

Test yourself

Test yourself: Which type are you?

The following series of quizzes is intented to help you determine your predominant natural life energy type, or types. Go to any sections you think might apply to you -there may be as many as three or four - and answer the Trus-False questions in them. Be honest; answer true only if a statement seems highly applicable to you. If a statement represents only something you think others would like to see in you, answer false.
In general, answering true to six or more out of eight questions in a quiz means that you are that type. But since every individuals is unique and has a different constellation of attributes and attitudes, you may not fit into any NLE pattern taht définitive. Therefore, look to whichever quiz yields the highest number of trues. This is your predominant energy.

Am I an iPositveNow Dynamic Agressive?

1. Ever since childhood, I’ve always seemed to want more out of life than my peers did.

2. I can work harder than most people, and I enjoy doing so.

3. I spend much less time than others do on what I consider pointless leisure pursuits, such as TV- and movie-watching; novel-reading; and card-computer, or board-game playing.

4. I find myself getting frustated because most people operate at a slower pace than I do.

5. I could never be really happy workong for someone else.

6. I don’t have much time or patience for long family gathering, such as a whole afternoon spent celebrating Thanksgiving.

7. Managing a big job and having underlings carry out the detail work is my ideal kind of endeavor.

8. I’m more intelligent than most people, and others almost always recognize this.

Am I an iPositiveNow dynamic Assertive?

1. I enjoy thionine about large issues, such as how society is organized politically.

2. The idea of a life long and exclusive intimate Partner dosent seem desirable or realistic for me.

3. Being alone does not scare me; in fact, I do some of my best thionine when I’m alone.

4. I find myself getting frustated because most peoples worldview is so limited.

5. I have a drive to express my ideas and influence the thionine of others.

6. I have no trouble getting people to listen to me and grasp what I’m saying.

7. The make-up of my social circle is contantly changing.

8. I can’t fathom the idea of holding one job for décades.

Am I an iPositiveNow Dynamic Supportive?

1. I get asked for helps a lot, and have a hard time saying no.

2. When I meet a person I’ll give that individual the benefit of the doubt; in others words, I’ll like him until he gives me reasonnot to.
3. I procrastinate a lot.

4. People usually like me.

5. I’m happiest interacting with people and aiding them in some way.

6. It sometimes takes an outside force to get me motivated because I tend to be satisfied with what I have.

7. People tell me I have a great sense of humour.

8. I’m good at smoothing over other’s conflits and helping to mediate them.

Am I an iPositiveNow Creative Assertive?

1. When I’m in a new situation, such as a new job setting or Relationship, I spend a lot of time comparing it to analogous I’ve been in previously.

2. I can sometimes work créative at full throttle for hours on end and not notice the passage of time.

3. I’ll periodically go through extremly low-energy periods during which I have to remind myself that it’s all only a phrase.

4. I find myself getting frustated because most people are not on my mental wavelength.

5. Working by myself is no problem; in fact I prefer it.

6. At times, ideas just « come to me », and if I can’t put them down then and there -on paper, canvas, etc.- I’ll be inconfortable until I can.

7. Throughout my life there’s been a pattern of people calling me one or more of the following: « temperamental », « Moody », « sad », « flight », « different »; and I never really felt like I was « one of the boys », or girls.

8. I find competition distasteful.

Am I an iPositiveNow Adaptive Supportive?

1. I believe that respect for authority is one of the cornerstones of good character.

2. A lifelong Relationship with a romantic partner is one of my goals.

3. My extended family is the most important part of my social life.

4. Directing a big job and supervising a lot of underlings is my idea of a headache.

5. Holding one job for décades would be okay with me if the conditions were good and the boss was nice.

6. Trying to lenghten your life by eating the « right » foods doesn’t make much sense to me because when your times up, your times up.

7. I believe that blood is thicker than water and that it’s more important to be loyal to your relatives than to your friends.

8. I prefer to work at a job a set umber of hours each day and then have the rest of the twenty-four hours for relaxation.

Am I an iPositiveNow Adaptive Assertive?

1. I feel I’m good at supervising a small group of people, and I enjoy doing so.

2. I believe that divorce is to be strongly avoided whenever possible.

3. When it comes to Pendino and saving habits, I take pride in being more thrifty and less foolish than most people.

4. I generally believe that if individuals behave outside the norms of society, they should be prepared to pay the price.

5. My home is more organized and cleaner then most peoples in my neighborhood.

6. I enjoy the feeling of my life going along at an even pace like a well-oiled machine; too many stops ans starts and ups ans downs would really upset me.

7. I understand that detail work is what ultimately gets a job done, and I have the gumption and know-how to tackle détails.

8. I would never dress in a flashy, bohemian, or otherwise attention-getting way.

Am I an iPositiveNow Adaptive Aggressive?

1. When I first enter a new environement, such as a workplace or a school, I make it a point to become acquainted with as many people as possible.

2. I rarely seek quiet.

3. My vacations are always highly structured; several days of just sitting inone place and végétations would drive me crazy.

4. Networking as a career and life tool is something that comes naturally to me.

5. When tackling a problem or task, I’m usually less defeatist than others.

6. I like associating with influent al people and am not intimidated by them.

7. I’m happiest moving and doing, as opposed to sitting and thionine.

8. I thrive on setting goals for myself and then figuring out how to reach them; I can’t imagine just drifting life without a plan.

Acid foods


Acid forming foods:
Meat, Fish, Chicken, Cheese, Eggs, All grains except Millet, Bread, cakes, biscuits, cereals, food containing sugar, fizzy drinks, Ice cream, beans, peas, lentils, chicks peas, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan, pickles, sauces, vinegar, tea, coffee, cream, cream cheese, buttermilk, yogurt.

Alkaline forming foods:

- Fruits: Apples, Apricots (fresh and diets), Bananas, Dates, Figs, Grapefruit, Grapes, Kiwis, Lemons, Oranges, Melon, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Prunes, Raisins, Raspberries, Strawberries.

-Vegetables: Asparagus, Aubergine, Avocados, Beet, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chives, Courgettes, Cucumber, Fresh Peas, Kale, Leeks, Lttuce, Marrow, Mushrooms, Onions, Parsnip, Peppers, Potatoes, Radishes, Runner Beans, Spinach, Scallions, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress.

-Nuts: Almonds, Brazil, Chesnuts, Hazelnuts, Pine Kernals

- Grains: Millet, plus wholegrain rice and flour are less acod forming than white rice anf flour. Besides, butter and vegetable oils are neutral.

A balanced diet contains 20% acid forming foods & 80% Alkaline Forming Foods.

A low-phosphate diet is not necessarily one lacking in phosphate, since much of the food we eat has a phosphorus content far exceeding the recommended daily intake. It is not stricly a diet at all, but rather the kind of food familiar to our forebears, before the modern era when most foods became processed.

Twenty-five years ago German clinical pharmacists Hertha Hafer did much the same thing in her book, The Hidden Drug: Dietary Phosphate, as Percy Weston has in Cancer: Cause & Cure. She identified surplus phosphorus in modern food as triggering a serious problem, curable with a low-phosphate diet, and then challenged the medical profession to reproduce her experiments and explain them scientifically.

So far they have not risen to the challenge. Hafer's special interest is hyperactivity and behavioural problems in children, including Attention Deficit Syndrome. One of her findings is that almost every such child had laryngitis as an infant or toddler - an earlier indication of imbalance in mineral metabolism caused by excessive phosphate in diet. Typically these children have an increased suceptibility to allergies, which continues into later life. For them the effect of earing phosphorus-rich food is dramatic. "Within minutes of ingesting phosphate, the balance of calcium, potassium and magnesium is disrupted and the production of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine in the brain is impaired or blocked." (p.77 of The Hidden Drug)

From being a perfectly well-behaved and normal on a low-phosphate diet, the phosphate-sensitive child in her case studies could give the appearance of becoming suddenly "nasty, arrogant, obnoxious, egocentric, disruptive, deceptive and malicious" and remain that way for days due to a single dietary lapse such as drinking a glass of Coke (which contains phosphoric acid) or eating a piece of chocolate cake made with eggs.

Hafer's low-phosphate diet is also low in sugar, and acids of the citric acid cycle, notably citric and malic acid. As she done more than most to identify what are acceptable foods for those wishing to reduce their phosphate intake, here are some of her suggestions:

Baked foods: Wholemeal bread is OK if made from flour, water, yeat, salt. But be wary if the word "emulsifier" is among the ingredients. Phosphorylated starch is another phosphate to avoid. Avoid bread made with milk or milk powder, or lecithin. Shortcrust, puff, flaky, strudel and pie pastries are OK but avoid all others. Raising agents sour dough, potash, bicarb of soda, ammonium carbonate and cream of tartar are OK, but avoid all whole grains (including Ryvita), all white bread and rolls if ingredients are unknown, frozen pastries, instant cake mix, commercially baked cake and biscuits, and phosphate baking powder.

Meat: Eat pure fresh meat, poultry and game. But avoid meat and sausages made with phosphate additives (mineral salts, emulsifiers and lecithin), bacon, cold-pressed meats such as ham and bologna, sweetbreads-kidneys, liver, offal, etc, chicken or beef stock cubes, instant stock powder, soup mixes.

Fish: Eat fresh and frozen fish and crustaceans, sardines and other fish in oil. Avoid frozen fish fingers and other frozen instant fish meals.

Dairy: Eat butter, fresh untreated or sour cream, small amounts of hard cheese and cottage cheese, icecream made at home from fresh cream and pureed fruit. Avoid all cows milk, buttermilk, skim milk (as an additive or not), yogurt, all processed cheeses, cheese spreads, cheese dishes, all margarines, and manufactured icecream.

Fruits and vegetables: Fresh salads and vegetables, potatoes mashed with butter and water, green beans, peas in moderation, ripe stone fruits, canned fruit without the syrup. Avoid mushrooms, sweet corn, soy products, legumes -dried peas, beans, lentils, tomatoes.

Carbonhydrates: Favour rice, seminola/cream of wheat, sago, tapioca, arrowroot, durum wheat pasta, unbleached flour -wheat or rye, homemade puddings and custard prepared with cream and water, cornflour, roce flour, potato flour, fructose (fruit sugar). Avoid oats, oatmeal, muesli, instant rice, instant noodle, instant pudding mixes, instant thickening sich as instant gravies, pancakes, sugar, honey, glucose and dextrose.

Nuts: All have phosphorus to excess. Avoid.

Alkaline fruits (capitals indicate almost neutral): apples and cider, apricots, avocados, bananas (speckled only) berries (all), breadfruit, cactus, cantaloupe, carob, pod only, cherimoyas, cherries, citron, currants, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, guavas, kumquats, lemons, ripe, limes, loquats, mangoes, melons (all), nectarines, olives, sundried olives, oranges, papayas, passion fruit, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapple, plums, pomegranates, pomelos, prunes and juice, quince raisins, sapotes, tamarind, tangerines, tomatoes.

Acid fruits: all preserved or jellied, canned, sugared, dried, sulphured, glazed fruits, raw with sugar. Banana if green, cranberries, olives, pickled, green.

Alkaline vegetables:

Artichokes, asparagus, ripe, bamboo shoots, beans, green, lima, beets and tops, brocoli.

Alkaline vegetables: Cabbage, red and white carrots, celery, cauliflower, chard, chayotes, chicory, chives, collards, cowslip, cucumber, dandelion greens, dill, dock, dulse (sea lettuce), eggplant (aubergine), endive, escarole, garlic, horseradish, frsh jerusalem artichoke, kale, kohlrabi, leek, legumes, except peanuts and lentils, lettuce and romaine mushrooms (most varieties), okra, onions, oyster plant, parsley, parsnips, peppers, green or red, potatoes (all varieties), pumpkin, radish, rhubarb (oxalic acid), rutahaga (swede), salsify, sauerkraut (lemon only), sorrel, soy neans, soy bean extract, spinach, squash, taro, baked, turnips and tops waternut, watercress.

Acid vegetables: Artichokes, asparagus tips, white, beans, all dried, brussels sprout, garbanzos, Lentils Rhubarb.

Alkaline dairy products: Acidophilus, Buttermilk, Koumise, Milk, Raw (human, cow or goat), Whey Yogurt.

Acid dairy products: Butter, Cheese, Cottage cheese, Cream, Ice cream, Ices Custards, Milk boiled, cooked or pasteurized, malted dried, canned.

Alkaline flesh foods: None (blood and bone only are alkaline forming).

Acid flesh foods: all meat: fowl and fish, beef tea, fish, shellfish, all gelatin, gravies.

Alkaline cereals: Corn, green (1st 24 hours).

Acid cereals: All flour product, Buckwheat, Barley Breads, all kinds, Cakes, Corn, Cornmeal, corn, flakes, starch and hominy, crakers, all Doghnuts, Dumpling, Grapenuts, Macaroni and spaghetti, noodles, oatmeal, pies and pastry, riceand rye-Krisp.

Alkaline Miscellaneous: Agar, Alfalfa products, coffee subtitutes, Ginger, dried, unsweetened, Honey, Kelp (edible), Teas, Unweetened-alhdesert and mate, alfalfa, clover, mint oat, oriental, saae strawberry.

Acid Miscellaneous:

All alcoholic beverages, candy and Confectionnery, Cocoa and chocolate, coffee, Condiments as, curry pepper salt, spices, etc. Dressings and thick sauces drugs ans aspirin, eggs, especially whites, Ginger, preserved Jams and Jellies Flavourings, Marmalades, Mayonnaise, Preservatives, as Benzoate, Sulphur, Vinegar, Salt, Brine, Salt, Brine, Smoke, Sago (starch), Tobacco, Juice, Snuff, Smoke, Vinegar, Lack of sleep, Overwork, Worry.

Alkaline Nuts: Almonds Chestnuts, roated Coconut, dried.

Acid Nuts: All nuts, mereso if roasted Coconut, dried Peanuts.

Neutral: Sugar, refined, oils, olive, corn, cotton seed, peanut, soy, sesame, etc. Fats, lard and other greases.

Note: Because a fruit is "acid" is no indication that its reaction is the same in the body, because it actually may be alkaline. Honey and raw sugars yield alkaline ash, but on account of high concentration of sugar, become acid formers. Rhubarb with raisins or dates is very good.

End of day:

Each question in this section starts with a list of symptoms associated with nutritional deficiency. Underline the conditions you often suffer from. Please underline them in all cases.

Vitamine A:

Mouth ulcers, Poor night vision, Acne, Frequent colds or injections, Dry flaky skin, Dandruff, Trush or cystitis Diarrhoea.

Vitamine D:

Rheumatism or Arthristis, Back ache, Tooth decay, Hair loss, Excessive sweating, Musle cramps, or spams, joint pain or stiffness, Lack of energy.

Vitamine E:

Lack of sex drive, Exhaustion after light exercise, Easy bruising, Slow wound healing, Varicose veins, Loss of muscle tone, Infertility.

Vitamine C:

Frequent colds, Lack of energy, Frequent infections, Bleeding or tender gums, Easy bruising, Nose bleeds, Low wound healing, Red pimples on skin.

Vitamine B1:

Tender muscles, Eye pains, Irritability, Poor concentration, Prickly legs, Poor memory, Stomach pains, Constipation, Rapid heart beat.

Vitamine B2:

Turning or gritty eyes, Sensitivity to bright lights, Cataracts, Oily hair, Eczema or dermatitis.

Vitamine B3:

Lack of energy, Diarrhea, Insomnia, Headaches or migraines, Poor memory, Anxiety or tension, Depression, Irritability, Bleeding or tender gums, Acne.

Vitamine B5:

Muscle tremors or cramps, Apathy, Poor concentration, Burning feet or tender heels, Nausea or vomiting, Lack of energy; Exhaustion after light exercise, Anxiety or tension, Teeth grinding.

Vitamine B6:
Infrequent dream recall, Water retention, Tingling hands, Depression or nervousness, Irritability, Muscle tremors or cramps, Lack of energy

Vitamine B12:
Poor hair condition, Eczema or dermatitis, Mouth over sensitive to hot or cold, Irritability, Tension, Lack of energy, Tender or sore muscles, Pale skin.

Folic acid:
Eczema, Craked lips, Prematurely greying hair, Anxiety or tension, Poor memory, Lack of energy, Poor apetite, Stomach pains, Depression.


Dry skin, Poor hair condition, Prematurely greying hair, Tender or sore muscles, Poor apetite or nausea, Eczema or dermatitis.


Dry, rough skin, Dry eyes, Frequent infections, Poor memory, Loss of hair or dandruff, Excessive thirst, Poor wound healing, PMS or breast pain, Infertility.


Muscle cramps or tremors, Insomnia or nervousness, Joint pain or arthritis, Tooth decay, High blood pressure.


Muscle tremors or spams, Muscle weakness, Insomnia or nervousness, High Blood pressure, Irregular heart beat, Constipation, Fits or convulsions, Hyperactivity, Depression.


Pale skin, Sore tongue, Fatigue or listelessness, Loss of apetite or nausea, Heavy periods or blood loss.


Poor sense of taste or smell, White marks on more than two, Finger nails, Frequent infections, Stretch marks, Acne or greasy skin, Low fertility, Pale skin, Tendency to depression, Poor apetite.


Family history of cancer, Signs of premature ageing, Cataracts, High blood pressure, Frequent infections.


Excessive or cold sweats, Dizziness or irritability after 6 hours without food, Need for frequent meals, Cold hands, Need for excessive sleep suring the day, Excessive thirst, 'Addicted' to sweet foods.


Muscle twitches, Childhood 'growing pains', Dizziness or poor sense of balance, Fits or convulsions, sore knees.

Monday, August 3, 2009


What we wish for and focus on, we will receive
In these immense times of change we must remember change is the only constant

If we wish to feel the warmth of love around us, we must give love first
If we wish for laughter around us, we must laugh first
If we wish for calm around us, we must feel calm inside first
If we wish for a peaceful environment, we must have a peaceful mind
If we wish for someone to dance with us, we must dance alone first
Let us all make the same wishes so that when we open our eyes we will be surrounded by the same wonderful fun filled life we all wished for together where ever our feet may stand.
Bernice Maria Paolozzi