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Monday, October 5, 2009

Be Beautiful, Be Organic

By Lilian Doyle

Natural breast enlarging serums, permanent hair straightening treatments, hair dyes that don’t damage the scalp, facials that soothe rather than sting; most people would think that such products could not possibly exist within a reasonable budget, but they can. “Is Organics” is a hair salon and beauticians on Dublin’s Capel Street. One step into the store’s calm, relaxing atmosphere and you’ll instantly feel at ease and ready to be pampered, and pampered you will be.

The main focus of Is Organics, and what makes the company relatively unique in Ireland, is its dedication to using only organic products. Owner Louise, who is originally from Malaysia and has been living in Ireland for the last twelve years, says the reason for her dedication to natural organic products is because they are much more healthier for the body than your average non-organic beauty product. “They (non organic beauty products) are not that bad, but this is much better. They won’t cause any allergies or do any harm to the body. Babies can even use them”.

The use of hair dyes has become an issue recently with reports that some hair dyes have been linked to cancer of the bladder. Is Organics use only organic dyes made from natural ingredients that do not harm the body. “The colours won’t harm your scalp; it’s one-hundred percent natural. The colouring we use is all from plants and flowers so it’s also ammonia free and fragrance free. Bleach hair colour is quite bad for your scalp... we have a very light blonde colour, but we don’t have to bleach your hair so it’s much better” Louise says.

None can swear more by organic products and their benefits than environmental and well being enthusiast Bernice Paolozzi, a now regular customer at Is Organics. She says, “There are no toxins that you don’t know about in the ingredients going into your body. The toxins can build up and then they can poison your bloodstream and affect the body.”

Normal, non-organic facials can also be harmful to the skin and body with use over time, as toxins in the toners can break through the skin barriers and build up in the body over time. Louise says, “The toners don’t have alcohol. A lot of products have alcohol in the toners, but the organic ones don’t contain alcohol. They have flower waters so it’s quite pure for your face. There are no chemicals.” Bernice, who regularly uses organic facial products, says of the natural ingredients in the toners, “It’s less invasive, it’s more softer. The results are the same but you have less acid going into your system”.

From an environmental perspective the use of organic products can also have beneficial effects as their waste products are much more friendlier to the environment than conventional beauty products. “The waste product from them is better for the environment. So if the products that all the hair dressers and beauticians are using were less toxic washing down the sink then that means that that are less toxins going into the water system.” Bernice says.

Is Organics also offer a permanent hair straightening treatment that can last from 6 to 8 months. The treatment, which is also sold at a very competitive price, can cut hair maintenance time in half as there is no need to blow-dry or straighten the hair. While the treatment is the only non-organic product used at Is Organics, the less frequent use of electrical appliances can also help you cut down on your carbon foot print. This not only makes it cost effective and time saving, but also very environmentally friendly. Bernice, who has had the hair straightening treatment done says that it works wonders, and results are obvious as her hair is long and sleek with no signs of styling damage. “Ever since I’ve had it done it is so easy to keep my hair. It’s literally just wash, brush and go, which is brilliant.”

The more you use organic beauty products the more likely it is that your skin will age less with time as the ingredients are not as harsh to the delicate skin on the face. Bernice started using organic beauty products ten years ago and says the anti-ageing effects are brilliant. “I find peoples’ reaction to me is that they are asking me what I’m using because I'm 45 this year and I tend to look younger. It’s really because I’m using organic products.”

When training to be a beautician Louise, originally being from Malaysia, saw a gap in the market and decided to open “Is Organic” seven months ago. She says “For organic products I saw the potential. A lot of people have started to realise well-being, to treat themselves better and to use better products.” According to Louise her clientele usually consist of middle aged people and that most of the younger generation of twenty-something’s still don’t appreciate the benefits of organic products. “Older people are more likely to choose organics. They care more about what they are using.” says Louise. “I’ve noticed that from about 30 onwards people start to realise to take care of themselves. When they are young they don’t care as much.” she adds.

Organic beauty products are still relatively new to Ireland and are generally more popular in East Asia where regulations are different. “There are different chemicals in them (non-organic products) that are tested on animals and they’re very aggressive. In the Eastern world all of the beauty and hair products are usually based as much as possible on herbal natural products so they are much softer for our skin and they are less aggressive. So you know the way if we use toner or cleanser we feel a sting? That’s because there’s acid in it.” Bernice says.

While you may not see organic beauty products in every beauticians in Ireland, but the number of people looking for them is steadily rising. “There are more customers looking for organic now. There used to be people just coming in and saying I want a colour but now people know the difference between the organic products and the non-organic ones” Louise says.

However, while organic beauty products seem to be gaining in popularity, will people consider health and well-being in this current economic climate? I asked Louise this question. “It’s quite difficult. With the economy now I find there is a little bit of pressure. Sometimes the business is ok, sometimes it’s going down and sometimes it’s picking up, so it’s not balanced like before. You couldn’t say ‘oh we’ll do a good week this week’ because you're not sure” Louise says. When asked if she had plans on expanding Louise said with a smile “It depends on how the economy grows and how the business grows. I don’t mind opening up one or two more.”

With our increasingly hectic lifestyles it can be difficult to remember to treat ourselves better and to use products that help our well-being. But with this increasingly hectic lifestyle it becomes even more important to use products that facilitate our well-being rather than products that could end up destroying it. Louise points out that even knowing you’ve shopped organic can make a difference to our well-being, she says, “You feel much better once you buy something organic. You feel like you have treated yourself better”.

For more information check out Is Organic Hair and Beauty Studio, Capel Street, Dublin 1 or telephone 01-8783068/0863389338

Skin Care Price List:
Phyt’s Soin Equilibre 60 euro
(1 hour)

Phyt’s Soin Anti-comedon 69 euro
(1 hour, 15 mins)

Phyt’s Soin Capyl 75 euro
For sensitive skin (1 hour, 15 mins)

Phyt’s Soin Oligo Vital 75 euro
Nourishing, anti-ageing

Phyt’s Soin D’O 80 euro
Reoxygenation for dull skin

Phyt’s Multi Vita 90 euro
Lifting and firming for fine lines
(1 hour, 30 mins)

Phyt’s Soi Energie Vitale 85 euro
For dull and tired skin

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Do you want to know how to Burn Calories While you sit in front of the Computer or Sleep ?
Well read on or click to become a member of iPositive Now Health at
Did you know that …….
1 lb of muscle burns approx 50 to 100 calories a day.
The Majority of calories you lose are burning by your muscle.
Think of your MUSCLE as a FURNACE that keeps burning regardless of what you are doing, even if you are sitting at a computer or sleeping.
How Aerobics Can Make You FAT
Traditional low calorie diets and aerobic exercise cause you to lose muscle. The loss of muscle causes your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn food and body fat for energy ) to slow down.
Once you come off a low calorie diet and stop exercising you quickly gain back all the fat you just lost, plus more. Most people panic and start this vicious cycle again, not knowing that every time they do this they are getting further and further away from their goal.
So rather than trying again to change a failed system, start learning new techniques that are getting results. Using your bodies Furnace which is Muscle which is scientifically proven that the best result benefit and solution is motivation, support, expertise and equipment.
Your Body Furnace is the Answer....So what’s the best way to exercise.........
Any approach used must have the first goal of increasing muscle tissue. A university Doctorate study examined these questions and came to a ground breaking conclusion.
The key important factor was the trainee’s mental attitude. The next factors were weight training, no resting between exercises, low –glycemic foods and some food supplements.
The research highlighted the fact that the more focused the trainees mental attitude, the heavier the weight they could lift. In turn, the greater intensity of effort was directly related to increases in muscle tissues.
2 out of every 3 people are now over weight and this is expected to rise to 3 out of 4 in the next few years.

The results over a 12 day period and a total of 4 hrs of weight training or 20 mins daily – were on average a gain of 3lbs of muscle and a loss of 7.5lbs of fat. This change of nearly 1lb a day would be enough to literally transform the average person’s body.
You must learn how to concentrate while exercising so you get a mental workout as well as a physical one. Having the correct posture and approach to the weights is important and you full motivation will get you the best results in every 20 mins work out.

Why should women gain muscle ?
The hormone balance between men and women is very different, resulting in different changes in the shape of the body after exercises. Most women avoid anything that might increase muscle for fear of looking masculine. Weak muscle in women can make them tired and weak and low motivation.
Muscle takes up less space than fat, so replacing fat with muscle can take inches off your waistline.
Muscle burns fat, making it easier to stay lean. If you gain 15lbs of muscle you are burning 750 calories a day and that only with one hour of exercising per week.
The other benefits for women are surprising. Collagen is a protein, and retaining this protein was a key result of muscle toning.
Your focus, concentration and well –being will all be transformed.

Money Buddha everyone can use it

We have nothing to lose. They say whoever receives this buddha will recieve an abundance of unexpected money or some very good news

The Buddha of Wealth
Send to 6 friends or family member
Unexpected $$$ will arrive in 4 days.
Send to 12 friends or family members
Unexpected $$$$ will arrive in 2 days.

You won't lose anything by passing this on.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Voice of Silence


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ipositive Health

2 articles about Health, just read it ....
Elder Abuse


Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Amazing Ireland Eye

View The Amazing Slide
Howth Sailing

Ireland’s Eye is a small picturesque Island of Howth on the northside of Dublin.
It is a bird sanctuary, hosting many different species of seabirds, which makes it a place of great interest for nature lovers. The island also has a long safe sandy beach, which is ideal for picnics, and relaxing. You can also admire the ruins of St Nessans Church dating back to 700 AD and a Martello tower from the 19th and the Napoleon time.
This island is amazing because it has got a very particular vegetation with flowers and plants that you usually only see on mountains. It has a micro climate which makes it possible to swim.

It is worth having a walk on the wonderful island.

This island is the perfect place for a meeting where iPositive people can exchange their experiences and testimonials. The season runs from April to October. Return tickets only as you can’t sleep on the island and they cost 15 euros. Mark’s ferry can take 35 people at a time.
Check out

In this picture, you can see Bernice with 2 french students and american students, from Arizona and California. Other students were also there from Italy, and the UK. As you can see, Young people from the whole world are coming to visit this exceptional island.

We walked the island to the summit where we relaxed and soaked up the magical energy and fresh air whilst admiring the beautiful scenery and Irish coastline.
As the ferry runs from Howth to Ireland’s Eye every hour, we walked down to the beach whilst waiting for Mark, the Ferryman to return.
As we lay on the beach, under a rock and out of sight of anyone else on the island, two gentlemen appeared out of nowhere asking, “did anyone lose a set of keys?” Bernice checked her pocket and only then realized that yes she had lost her keys!!! After confirming the make of car and key ring type, they returned the keys to her. Everyone laughed at how they found Bernice and how they found the keys at the top of the mountain, like a needle in a haystack, as Mark said, just in time before she left the island ! Truly confirmation that Ireland’s Eye is a magical island !

So we hope to see you on this very particuliar island when we will organise an iPositiveNow meet up event !


First iPositiveNow Radio interview

Hi everybody,

Do you want listen an amazing interview? Do you want understand what is iPositiveNow?
It 's easy, you just have to listen to a recent radio interview on Near FM with Bernice Paolozzi, who conceptualized the project and Eliane, a french student in marketing who came to create the mechanism with Bernice. This is the first in a series of radio interviews on the creation of iPositiveNow. More next week…


IT student from France

Monday, August 10, 2009

My son..

Friday, August 7, 2009